Banjo Twister 1" (ca. 3,5 cm)
bubblegum / clear silver flake

Article Number: 000935B300

The Banjo Series offers a great variety of nice shaped fishlike bodies with a classic style Twister tail.

All sizes have small or bigger slices in the backside-area of the bait, giving them even more action, than a classic Twister. The small Versions are great in Trout or Salmon and perch fishery in Rivers or ponds and Stillwater, the bigger 3” Version is great choice for Zander and Perch.

Target-fish:Perch, trout, Zander

000935B300 Banjo Twister 1" (ca. 3,5 cm) bubblegum / klar silber Glitter

Suitable for: Barsch/Forelle
